Ophthalmology Clinical Trials

When you are developing products for the eye, you need specialist experience and expertize. You might also need a greater breadth of services and geographical coverage than small niche CRO’s can provide. ProRelix Research combines the best aspects of a niche ophthalmology CRO with the stability and comprehensive in-house capabilities of a leading mid-size, full-service international CRO. Our geographic reach extends internationally, and our experienced team will expertly support your project in all applicable countries.

ProRelix Research has broad experience across many indications resulting from the delivery of many ophthalmology trials and from the legacy experience of our team. Many trials in ophthalmology are complex, and for this reason, you need a team that understands the assessments and can focus on the details. The team at ProRelix Research has this experience, indeed many of them have worked in ophthalmology in the clinical setting. This means that they not only check but also interpret and understand your research data as it is being collected. Our team also knows how Ophthalmology sites work, and how best to manage and support them to ensure rapid recruitment and high-quality data. With an expert and stable team committed to reaching your goals, supported by experienced international teams in functions including regulatory, biometrics, safety, and quality selecting ProRelix Research gives your product the best chance of success.

About Us

ProRelix Research is the best clinical research organization (CRO) with global service capability supporting Phase 1, 2, 3, & 4 clinical trials for Pharma, Biotech, Biopharma, Medical device, Nutraceutical & Herbal companies in US, India, Australia, & Europe.

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