Why ProRelix Research is a
Reliable CRO Partner

Assured Study Startup Time

Assured Enrollment

Assured Database Lock Period

How We Manage It

It starts with our aim and as an adaptable Clinical Research Organization (CRO) our expert networks of knowledgeable clinical research team can provide comprehensive assistance to support your clinical trials globally.
Our experts are experienced in managing clinical projects from conception to completion, gaining regulatory and ethics approvals, and supporting clients with preparation for and throughout regulatory inspections.
We will work closely with your team to achieve the results desired and meet the challenges your project presents

We also invite you to consider the following

  • Within a flexible and responsive mid-size organization, can your other vendors provide all the services required to accomplish your project goals?

  • ProRelix Research Can

  • Do your other vendors have repeat business rates of >80%, indicating high levels of customer satisfaction?

  • ProRelix Research Does

  • Do your other vendors add value to your work by freely providing advice at the project planning phase?

  • ProRelix Research Does

Meet Our Features

  • Dedicated Project Management: Seamless coordination and communication throughout the trial process by experienced project managers.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring adherence to global regulatory standards to facilitate smooth trial approval and progression.

  • Strategic Patient Engagement: Development and implementation of patient engagement initiatives to minimize drop-out rates.

  • Risk Management: Proactive risk management plans to identify and mitigate potential issues during clinical trials.

  • Quality Assurance Audits: Comprehensive QA audits to ensure compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and other regulatory requirements.

  • Advanced Data Management: Utilization of electronic data capture (EDC), CTMS systems for accurate data collection.

  • Innovative Technology Integration:  Utilization of eConsent, ePRO, telemedicine, and other tools to streamline trial processes.


  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified

  • “Certificate of Commitment” issued by Central Vigilance Commission 

Global Connections

  • USA

  • India

  • Europe

  • Australia

  • Africa

  • Thailand

Market Reach

  • Connected to 100+ Hospitals

  • ProRelix Research clients range from pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical devices, herbal industries and universities.

  • International Experience: Expertise in managing multi-center, multinational trials across diverse regulatory environments.  

  • Local Expertise: Strong network of local partners and knowledge of regional regulatory requirements. 

About Us

ProRelix Research is the best clinical research organization (CRO) with global service capability supporting Phase 1, 2, 3, & 4 clinical trials for Pharma, Biotech, Biopharma, Medical device, Nutraceutical & Herbal companies in US, India, Australia, & Europe.

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